Title: One Too Many
Release Date: December 1950 (United States)
Runtime: 1 hour 50 minutes
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Aspect Ratio: 1.37 : 1
One Too Many Trailer
“One Too Many” (1950) directed by Erle C. Kenton portrays the tragic story of a once-famous concert pianist whose career has been shattered by alcoholism. Helen Mason, played by Ruth Warrick, finds herself battling her addiction with the support of her husband Bob Mason (Richard Travis) and a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. As the narrative unfolds, the film delves into the complexities of addiction, treating alcoholism as a serious disease. Despite its dated presentation, the movie offers solid performances, particularly from Ruth Warrick, and approaches its subject matter with a level of compassion and seriousness that was ahead of its time. Through its thoughtful storyline, “One Too Many” subtly addresses various social issues including feminism, mental illness, and the healthcare system. While the inclusion of musical numbers and occasional melodrama may seem out of place, they serve as a potential marketing tactic to reach a broader audience. Despite being released over six decades ago, the film’s themes remain relevant, shedding light on the enduring struggle with addiction in society.
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